The Douglas Park neighborhood sign at Walter Reed Dr and S Randolph St.

The next Douglas Park Civic Association [DPCA] meeting will be held from 7:00-8:00 pm on  Tuesday, June 20th, 2023, in-person at Fire Station #9 (1900 S Walter Reed Dr).

This meeting will feature special guest Arlington County Manager Mark Schwartz, who will speak to us about the County budget and take questions from residents. There will not be a Zoom or virtual option available.

The June 2023 Douglas Park Neighbor News is available here.

All residents are welcome.

The next Douglas Park Civic Association [DPCA] meeting will be held from 7:00-8:30 pm on  Monday, April 24th, 2023, in-person at Fire Station #9 (1900 S Walter Reed Dr).

This will be our first in-person meeting since the pandemic, and we hope everyone can join us. There will not be a Zoom or virtual option available.

We will have some special treats for the agenda; stay tuned for updates.

The February 2023 Douglas Park Neighbor News is available here.

All residents are welcome.

The next Douglas Park Civic Association [DPCA] meeting will be held at 7pm, Monday 20th February 2023 via Zoom.

It’s our annual election of officers; all positions are open for candidates.  To run for an office, please send an email to current DPCA president Eric Berkey.   Nominations will also be accepted from the floor at the meeting.

Also on the agenda is

  • A update on Pike Forward construction from Susan Finotti and Sheila Borkar of Arlington DES/Transportation

The February 2023 Douglas Park Neighbor News is available here.

All residents are welcome; please use the instructions below to attend the meeting:

DPCA General Meeting via Zoom
When: Mon 20 Feb 2023; 1900 Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:



39th Annual Drive Underway

Since 1984, the Douglas Park Civic Association has coordinated a Holiday Fund Drive to help those less fortunate in our community. It’s time to kick off this year’s effort. Working with teachers and counselors at Randolph Elementary School, we will support an “angel tree” type effort where children and families will make gift requests. Neighbors will provide monetary donations while volunteers will purchase and wrap special gifts for the children on our lists.

There are two ways that you can participate in this worthwhile effort. First, you can send a donation to the fund. Checks should be made out to Douglas Park Civic Association with ‘Holiday Fund Drive’ in the note; they should be mailed to Andy Price at 1716 S Pollard Street, Arlington, VA, 22204. Alternatively, you can donate to the cause online, via PayPal. Log onto your PayPal app and send the donation to the DPCA treasurer’s email account at, OR use the the DPCA website and donate at http://www.‐fund/ . Second, we are in need of shoppers and wrappers for the gifts. Please contact Rita Wiggins at to volunteer or to have your questions answered. Thanks! We look forward to hearing from you!

Just a reminder that our next Civic Association meeting will be held at 7:00 pm Monday, November 14, 2022, via Zoom. You can register to attend by clicking here:

At the November meeting, we will hear officer updates and entertain ideas, suggestions, concerns, and the like for the Civic Association’s activities and programs for the coming year.

Prior Meeting: At our September 2022, meeting, we listened to a presentation from Corporal Mark Francis, Arlington County Police Department, and asked questions about residents can do to prevent crime within Douglas Park and along Columbia Pike.

Eric Berkey, President DPCA

Attached is the presentation from the Arlington County Police Department at our Civic Association meeting on September 19, 2022.

Presentation [PDF 2,1 MiB]

The next Douglas Park Civic Association general meeting will be on Monday, September 19th. Please note we will begin at 7:30, not 7PM. Zoom registration details are below.  Register in advance for this meeting:

The main agenda item will be a brief presentation from Corporal Mark Francis with the Arlington County Police Department. I’ve asked him to speak generally about concerns regarding thefts and graffiti and he can take questions afterwards. We will also have officer updates, including but not limited to a discussion about our incorporation, 12th Street, Movie Night, and any new business.

Thank you and see you then!!

Eric Berkey, President DPCA

Save the date for Movie Night in Douglas Park on Saturday, September 10th!

We will kick off festivities with picnicking and games in the park at 6 pm.  Mr Softee will arrive around 6.30 pm. At dusk (approximately 7.30 pm), we will show The Peanuts Movie! This event is co-hosted by the Douglas Park Civic Association, Randolph PTA, and West Village of Shirlington. We look forward to bringing our community together!

Questions? Contact Rachel Berkey at

The next Civic Association meeting will be held at 7pm, Tuesday 14th June 2022 via Zoom.

The June newsletter is available here.

The Zoom link will be provided a few days prior to the meeting on the Civic Association ListServ. If you are not a member of the listserv, please join by sending an email to with your name, street, and block number.
In addition to officer updates, the main agenda item at our meeting will be a presentation by Arlington County Department of Parks and Recreation staff regarding capital improvements to both Monroe Park and Douglas Park, discussed further in this newsletter. Both projects will be discussed in greater detail at the meeting and are huge opportunities for the neighborhood to advocate for the types of improvements we addressed in the recent update to our Neighborhood Plan.

Eric Berkey, President DPCA

Upgrades Coming to Two Douglas Park Parks

by Steven Jordan Tomaszewski

Two neighborhood parks are getting ready to receive some much needed renovations:  Monroe Park and Douglas Park (our neighborhood’s namesake). In the next few months, residents will have the opportunity to provide feedback to Arlington County as the Department of Parks and Recreation prepares to rehabilitate the parks. Monroe Park will be the first park to be updated, and it will retain the playground for ages 2-5 and an open multi-use space. Douglas Park will take more time and be more involved because of its size and amenities.

If approved in the Fiscal Year 2023-2032 Arlington County Capital Improvement Plan, Douglas Park will receive $1.8 million in development funding for design and construction of renovation improvements, which include replacement of the picnic shelter, one pedestrian bridge, site furnishings, site circulation, stormwater management improvements, invasive plant species removal in the forested area and reforestation plantings. The playground, which was last replaced in 1996, will be revamped at a later date.

Our Civic Association is actively looking for interested volunteers to advocate for park improvements, interact with County staff, and engage with fellow residents, email Steve at if interested.