As you may have noticed, over the past two months DES staff has transitioned the use of the Ft Barnard site at near the intersection of South Pollard Street and 19th Street South. This has resulted in a sharp reduction in the use of the site as the site now houses a half-dozen large refuse containers which are utilized in the event of major storm damage or very large public events.

On Thursday 21 September 2017 at 6p, we will have an on-site meeting to review the latest MOU and the latest revisions to the landscape plan. Staff has incorporated feedback from our prior meeting and has produced a much denser and more robust plan that is heavily weighted to native plant material.

You can review the latest Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) here….

…and the latest landscape plan here

Please join us Thursday evening.

All Douglas Park residents are invited to the 35th Annual Douglas Park 4th of July Parade and Picnic. The neighborhood will gather in Monroe Park (14th St S at S Monroe St) at 10am on Tuesday the 4th for judging of the best parade floats, costumes, decorated bikes, and the coveted prize of Mr and Ms Douglas Park. The parade itself starts at 10:30am from Monroe Park, proceeding along S Nelson Street to 18th St S, to S Quincy Street and into Douglas Park for the picnic. There will be live music, a moonbounce and sno-cones.

This is a pot-luck picnic, so bring your finest recipes to share:

Folks with last names beginning with A-M are asked to bring a side dish.
Folks with last names beginning with N-Z are asked to bring a dessert.

Free water and hot dogs provided by the Douglas Park Civic Association.

At noon, there will be a reading of the Declaration of Independence.

See you there!

Over the past year, the Douglas Park community has worked with Arlington County staff to modify the County use of the fenced-off portion of the Ft Barnard site, near the intersection of South Pollard Street and 19th Street South. When implemented, the modifications will result in a sharp reduction in the use of the site as the site will become a storage area for a half-dozen large refuse containers which will be removed and utilized off-site in the event of major storm damage or very large public events. The DRAFT Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is available here.

As part of this effort, Douglas Park has requested more vegetative screening to further buffer the community from onsite activities. A PDF document showing the initial landscape plan sketch and screening areas is available here.  Staff met with residents on Monday 15 May 2017, to gather feedback on the screening plan. At that meeting, the attendees:

  • Identified several key elements that they would like to see in the new landscaping along S. Pollard Street.
  • Suggested a variety of native plants to attract pollinators and offer several seasons of interest including evergreens to screen in the winter with edible plants incorporated where possible.
  • Requested a low landscape screen along the community garden side, made up of a variety of native plants.
  • Asked that more of the impervious surface be returned to seeded dirt/grass.

As part of the County’s commitment to sustainability, the County will try to incorporate topsoil fabricated at Arlington County’s Earth Products and Recycling Yard facility as it becomes available. Staff will also work to dispatch a tree crew to prune the existing oaks, and schedule bulk material pick-up from the streetside.

If you have additional comments regarding the landscaping plans or the proposed MOU,
please use the email link here to send your comments to our County liaison and the DPCA Exec Team.  Please provide your comments by Monday 12 June 2017.  County staff will then update the landscape plan to reflect the above community comments along with any additional comments received.

At Monday’s general meeting of the civic association, all current officers were re-elected without dissent for another one-year term. No other candidates came forward at the meeting. The current officer list is available here.

Re our discussion of the newsletter; the decision was made to reduce printing to 3x per year in association with major events: February/Member Drive, June/4th of July Parade and Picnic; November/Holiday Fund Drive.

Several members present volunteered to help contribute articles and solicit advertising.

The next Civic Association meeting will be held Monday 27 February at 7.30pm in Room 205 at the Arlington Mill Community Center, 909 S Dinwiddie St. Free parking is available under the community center. Pizza and light refreshments will be served. On the agenda:

  • Elections. This meeting will include our annual election of civic association officers. All current officers (Adam Henderson, President; Tony Brooks, Vice-President; Al Fox, Treasurer and Annette Pigott, Secretary) are running for re-election. However, new nominations are open for all these offices as well. If you would like information about the role of civic association officers, please contact Adam Henderson at
  • Fate of the Newsletter. Over the past few years, there has been a marked decline in folks willing to contribute to the newsletter as the listserv, Facebook and other social media have become preferred means of communication. It’s a lot of work to produce and distribute the newspaper five times a year. Does it serve a purpose anymore? Are folks willing to help at least contribute content? Attend the meeting and join the discussion!

This month’s newsletter is available here.
All are welcome to attend.

Consultants working with the Four Mile Run Valley Working Group (4MRVWG) will conduct a Visioning Workshop this Friday, 2 Dec 2017 through Tuesday 6 Dec 2016.

Key events include:

Kick-Off Event     Friday 2 Dec, 7 – 9p at    WETA, 3939 Campbell Avenue, 6th floor

Hands-on Design Workshop     Saturday 3 Dec,    9a – 1p at Drew Model School, 3500 23rd Street S

Open Planning Studio     Sunday 4 Dec through Tuesday 6 Dec, 10a – 6p each day at 2700 Quincy Street, 3d floor

Closing Pin-up, Open House     Tuesday 6 Dec, 7 – 9p at Drew Model School, 3500 23rd Street S

More information is available at the following site:

If you are interested in the Four Mile Run Valley and what it can become, I encourage you to drop in!


It is with regret that due to the forecast weather for Monday, the board of the Douglas Park Civic Association has decided to cancel this year’s picnic. THE PARADE, HOWEVER, IS STILL ON. All Douglas Park residents are invited to gather in Monroe Park (14th St S at S Monroe St) at 10am on Monday the 4th for judging of the best parade floats, costumes, decorated bikes, and the coveted prize of Mr and Ms Douglas Park. The parade itself starts at 10:30am from Monroe Park, proceeding along S Nelson Street to 18th St S, to S Quincy Street and into Douglas Park where we will disband.

See you there!

All Douglas Park residents are invited to the 34th Annual Douglas Park 4th of July Parade and Picnic. The neighborhood will gather in Monroe Park (14th St S at S Monroe St) at 10am on Monday the 4th for judging of the best parade floats, costumes, decorated bikes, and the coveted prize of Mr and Ms Douglas Park. The parade itself starts at 10:30am from Monroe Park, proceeding along S Nelson Street to 18th St S, to S Quincy Street and into Douglas Park for the picnic. There will be live music, a moonbounce and sno-cones.

This is a pot-luck picnic, so bring your finest recipes to share. Free water and hot dogs provided by the Douglas Park Civic Association.

At noon, there will be a reading of the Declaration of Independence.

See you there!

The next Civic Association meeting will be held Monday 27 June at 7.30pm in the downstairs meeting room of Firehouse No. 9 at 19th Street South and South Walter Reed Drive. On the agenda:

  • 7.30 pm. Welcome and Introductions.
  • 7.40 pm. The County Maintenance Lot, 19th St S at S Pollard St. Arlington Department of Environmental Services (DES) staff including Mike Moon and Kevin Connolly will be on hand to discuss ongoing issues with this lot, including onstreet parking by contractors, dirt, dust, noise, early operations hours, damage to adjacent properties, lack of buffering to residential areas, etc. As this is a long-standing issue, residents adjacent to the lot are encouraged to attend.
  • 9.00 pm. Update on the Arlington Transit Development Plan.
  • 9.15 pm. Open floor. Opportunity for residents to bring concerns to the attention of the DPCA Executive Committee.
  • 9.30 pm. Adjourn.

This month’s newsletter is available here.
All are welcome to attend.

Approximately ten people attended the Civic Association meeting on Monday evening 2 May at Randolph Elementary. The primary topic was a discussion of the Arlington 2017-2026 Transportation Development Plan (TDP).

Although numerous changes and improvements have been made to the TDP over the past few months, the plan continues to fall significantly short of addressing transit needs in Douglas Park and the Pike corridor in terms of adequate capacity, larger buses, and improvements to boarding systems and waiting areas to increase the efficiency of the lines. There are still two opportunities
to provide feedback to the County Board before final approval: The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) hearing on Wednesday 22 June and the County Board meeting on 19 July. Learn more here.