The next Civic Association meeting will be held Monday 22 February at 7.30pm in the downstairs meeting room of Firehouse No. 9 at 19th Street South and South Walter Reed Drive. Pizza and light refreshments will be served. On the agenda:

  • Elections. This meeting will include our annual election of civic association officers. All current officers (Adam Henderson, President; Tony Brooks, Vice-President; Al Fox, Treasurer and Annette Pigott, Secretary) are running for re-election. However, new nominations are open for all these offices as well. If you would like information about the role of civic association officers, please contact Adam Henderson at
  • Direction of the Civic Association. The Civic Association board feels it may be time for a ‘reset’ of the Association. So we’d like to hear your ideas on what we should focus on in the year ahead and what sort of programs you’d like us to present. Please come prepared with your ideas!

This month’s newsletter is available here.
All are welcome to attend.

Our guests at our December meeting were local USPS officials, on hand to discuss the continuing problems with mail delivery in 22204. This was our third meeting in the past year and a half. Unfortunately, neighborhood attendance consisted of the Civic Association board and a reporter for ArlNOW.

The Civic Association Executive Committee would like to remind residents that postal service delivery issues should be reported directly to the South Station manage and the Arlington Postmaster via email:

Arlington South Post Office Manager, Mr Jeff Simmons:
Arlington Postmaster, Mr Walter Daniels:

The next Douglas Park Civic Association meeting will be held Wednesday 16 December at 7.30pm in the downstairs meeting room at Firehouse 9, S Walter Reed Dr at 19th St S. Our guest will be Arlington South Station Postal Manager Jeffrey Simmons and other postal officials.

This month’s newsletter is available here.

All are welcome to attend.

The next Douglas Park Civic Association meeting will be held Tuesday 16 June at 7.00pm at the Arlington Baptist Church, 714 S Monroe Street.  This is a joint meeting with the Alcova Heights Civic Association. A potluck will precede the meeting at 6.30pm; those who wish to participate should bring dishes as follows: families with last names beginning with A-K bring a main dish, L-R bring a side, and S-Z bring a dessert.

The meeting will be devoted to Arlington Presbyterian Church’s plans to redevelop their property along Columbia Pike.  Initial plans for the site are available at

This month’s newsletter is available here.
All are welcome to attend.

The next Civic Association meeting will be held Tuesday 28 April at 7.30pm in the downstairs meeting room of Firehouse No. 9 at 19th Street South and South Walter Reed Drive. On the agenda:

  1. Mail Delivery. In November, we met with regional US Post Office officials to discuss ongoing issues with mail delivery in Douglas Park. It was a lively meeting, to say the least! At April’s meeting, postal officials—including recently-appointed South Station Manager, Marcus Clinkscale—will return for more discussion and feedback. A thank-you to Douglas Park resident Carol Freysinger for coordinating with the USPS folks!
  2. Neighborhood Conservation. We will discuss and vote
    on our next project to submit to the Neighborhood
    Conservation queue. Under consideration are:

    1. Completion of curb, gutter and sidewalks along 18th St S
      from S Quincy to Walter Reed Drive.
    2. Completion of curb, gutter and sidewalks along 13th St S
      from Glebe Road to S Walter Reed Drive.
    3. Streetlights along S Oakland St between 18th and 19th
      Streets S.

Please keep in mind that any project requires both a champion to oversee the process and approval by residents controlling at least 60% of the street frontage
in the project area to move forward. So, attend and let your opinion be heard!

3. Neighborhood Volunteer Needs. We have several opportunities for residents to help their fellow DPCA members and neighbors, including

• Newsletter advertising coordinator
• Newsletter distribution coordinator’
• Newsletter Spanish translator
• Fourth of July Coordinator
• Election Day Bake Sale Assistant
• Writers for the update of our Neighborhood Conservation Plan

If you’d like more information or can help, please attend the meeting or contact Adam Henderson at president<at>

4. Other business.

All are welcome to attend.

The 2d Annual Carnival de Oruro Parade will take place on Sunday 15 March 2015 on Four Mile Run Dr. The parade will organize on S Shirlington Rd and march west on S Four Mile Run Dr to S Walter Reed Dr. The parade preparation begins at 9.30a with an 11a kickoff. The parade ends at 4p with teardown expected to be complete by 5.30p. Westbound Four Mile Run Drive will be closed for the event.

Due to some unfortunate issues with last year’s parade, the Arlington Special Events Committee has attached some additional conditions to the parade.  These include:

  • Increased police presence along parade route
  • Contracting with County staff to provide support with trash collection, e g, providing trash cans, recycling bins and a trash pick-up service
  • Addition of Arlington Fire Department / EMS medic unit on-site
  • Electronic messaging board placed out along parade route by Arlington police

The parade celebrates Bolivian culture and the Carnival of Oruro,a festival dating back more than 2000 years that takes place in Oruro, Bolivia. It is one of UNESCO’s Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. Originally an indigenous festival, the modern celebration incorporates a Christian ritual around the Virgin of Socavón.

Comité pro Bolivia, the organizers of the event, invite the community to attend the parade.

Washington Gas has announced the next phase of its line replacement schedule. Work will be occurring in the following in parts of the following neighborhood blocks this spring and summer:

  • 1700 block of S Lincoln St
  • 1900 block of S Monroe St
  • 1600, 1700 and 1800 blocks of S Nelson St
  • 1700 and 1800 blocks of S Oakland St
  • 2000 block of S Pollard St
  • 3500 block of 17th St S
  • 3500 block of 19th St S

Further details are in the attached PDF (9pp, 1,47 MiB).

Arlington County DES released its 2015 paving plan this week. Paving operations begin in early April and continue through October. Streets scheduled for repaving in Douglas Park this year include:

  • S Quincy St from Columbia Pike to 19th St S
  • S Randolph St north of 16th St S
  • S Pollard St from 18th St S to 19th St S
  • 18th St S from S Quincy St to S Pollard St
  • S Four Mile Run Dr from Columbia Pike to S George Mason Dr

A notice letter will be mailed to all residential or business addresses approximately one (1) month before the beginning of the Paving Season 2015 to notify them their street has been selected for paving and that they should expect to see work done sometime between the months of April to October 2015. Door hangers will be distributed 24 to 48 hours prior to the start of the operation, as well as No Parking signs. The signs will be posted in the streets showing specific dates in which work is going to be performed.

A map showing all scheduled repaving in Arlington County for 2015 is available here [PDF, 4.6 MiB].

Residents with questions or concerns may contact Arlington Construction Manager Francis Soulamany at 703.228.7822 or by email.

Approximately fifteen people attended the Civic Association meeting on Tuesday evening 24 February at Firehouse 9.

The agenda included:

Annual Election of Officers
All current officers submitted their names for nomination for new terms. Nominations were solicited from the floor; none were offered. A motion to re-elect the current officers was made, seconded and agreed by the participants assembled:

  • Adam Henderson, President
  • Tony Brooks, Vice-President
  • Annette Pigott, Secretary
  • Al Fox, Treasurer

We discussed various current and upcoming projects along the Pike, including Arlington Presbyterian, Pike 3400 and 4707 Columbia Pike

We agreed to sponsorship of DP resident Sean Steele’s proposal for a spring cookout.

We solicited various proposals for our next Neighborhood Conservation project.
A list of proposals will be presented shortly on the listserv and in the next newsletter ahead of a final vote at the April meeting.

We discussed the need for volunteers to assist the Association with various tasks.
These include

  • Newsletter Advertising Coordinator
  • Newsletter Distribution Coordinator
  • Fourth of July Coordinator
  • Election Day Bake Sale Assistant
  • Writers for the update of our Neighborhood Conservation Plan

Further details regarding these opportunities will be forthcoming. If you can help, please email Adam Henderson.

Our next meeting is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday 21 April.

The next meeting of the Douglas Park Civic Association will be held Tuesday 24 February 2015 at 7.30p in the downstairs meeting room of Firehouse 9, 19th Street South at South Walter Reed Drive.

On the agenda:

  1. Elections. This meeting will include our annual election of civic association officers. All current officers (Adam Henderson, President; Tony Brooks, Vice-President; Al Fox, Treasurer and Annette Pigott, Secretary) are running for re-election. However, new nominations are open for all these offices as well. If you would like information about the role of civic association officers, please contact Adam Henderson at president<at>
  2. Neighborhood Conservation. Our project for streetlights along 12th St S between S Quincy St and S Monroe St was approved by the Neighborhood Conservation Advisory Committee (NCAC) in December and should be approved by the County Board this month.  Our next project—curb, gutter, sidewalk and streetlight improvements along 12th St S between S Glebe Rd and S Walter Reed Dr—is in the queue.   That means it’s time to submit a new project.  We’ll start the discussion at this meeting with a decision at our April meeting ahead of the May 2015 submission deadline.
  3. Neighborhood Volunteer Needs. We have several opportunities for residents to help their fellow DPCA members and neighbors, including newsletter, Fourth of July, and Neighborhood Conservation.  If you’d like more information or can help, please attend the meeting or contact Adam Henderson at president<at>
  4. Other business.

All are welcome to attend.