S Queen St at Columbia Pike will be closed for approximately six months from the week of 15 December 2014 as part of the Washington Blvd Bridge replacement project.  At the same time, the ramp to I-395 N and Washington Boulevard southbound (accessible via the signal at S Quinn Street) will also be closed and traffic rerouted. A map detailing VDOT’s posted detour is available here [PDF, 206 KiB].


Approximately forty-five people attended the Civic Association meeting on Tuesday evening 18 November at the Arlington Mill Community Center.

The agenda included:

We had a forum with eight representatives from the US Postal Service
The purpose of this forum, which lasted approximately seventy minutes, was to discuss numerous issues with misdirected and undelivered mail and other service issues that have sharply increased in Douglas Park over the past year. Postal service officials listed to our concerns, apologized, and relayed some of the steps that they have undertaken in attempt to bring the issues under control. These include:

  • A new Customer Service Manager at the South Glebe (Arlington South) Station
  • Increased training for mail carriers in Douglas Park
  • A review of carrier routes in Douglas Park

Postal services officials acknowledged that these are only initial steps in addressing the problems. In addition, the postal service intends to bring in a review team to track carriers in Douglas Park for a period to ascertain whether they are performing route deliveries correctly and efficiently. Most importantly in this meeting, however, was the request for real-time data so that postal officials can track problems to specific personnel. The Arlington Postmaster, Mr Walter Daniels, has requested that residents email him directly with misdelivery or other issues on the day of or the day following the incident, letting him know the date, time, nature and address of the occurrence. Mr Daniels also indicated that where feasible, it would be helpful to include a photograph attachment of the mail panel of the misdirected piece, which will allow officials to determine if there are machine-sorting issues that are contributing to our problems.  UPDATE FEBRUARY 2015. Mr Daniels has moved on at USPS. Our new contact for mail problems is the new South Arlington Station Manager, Marcus Clinkscale. He may be reached at marcus.c.clinkscale@usps.gov.

In summary, the Postal Service now seems to be very aware of the ongoing issues in Douglas Park and has expressed a firm desire to address the situation. It’s now our job to make sure they follow through by providing the ongoing data they need to find the root causes. Postal officials have agreed to attend a future meeting of the Association, likely in February 2015, to update their progress and receive more feedback from residents.

We had an update from Alison Tomlinson and Allegra Jabo; our representative and alternate to the Thomas Jefferson Middle School Working Group (TJMSWG).

The TJMSWG is charged by the County Board with evaluating the Thomas Jefferson Middle School site and making a recommendation as to the feasibility of building a new 725-seat elementary school on the campus. The TJMSWG will present a preliminary report to the County Board in December and a final report in January 2015. An overview of the group, along with supporting documents, is available here.

The next Douglas Park Civic Association (DPCA) will be held on Tuesday evening 18 November 2014 at 7.30p in the Senior Room (Room 205) of the Arlington Mill Community Center, 909 S Dinwiddie St at Columbia Pike. You can park for up to four hours free of charge in the public car park under the community center (turn on Dinwiddie, then follow the signs to the back of the building).

On the agenda:

• A forum with post office officials regrading mail delivery problems in the ‘hood
• An update on the TJ Middle School site Elementary School review process from our Douglas Park reps.

Douglas Park Civic Association (DPCA) will hold a joint meeting with Barcroft School and Civic League (BSCL) on Thursday 6 November 2014 at 7.30p at the Barcroft Community House, 800 South Buchanan Street. The purpose of this joint meeting is to review plans for a new Form-Based Code development proposed for the NE corner of Columbia Pike and South Buchanan Street (4707 Columbia Pike). This is the current site of El Tutumaso and previously the site of Sâuçá, Bob and Edith’s II and Roy Rogers.

The proposal is for a four-storey building with 78 market-rate units (likely condos) in a mix of 18 studios, 42 1-bedroom and 18 2-bedroom units. The building will also hold 8,000 sq ft of ground-floor retail and an underground car park with space for 87 vehicles.

Further detailed plans are available at the links below:

FBC Checklist
FBC Diagrams & LEED Scorecard
Civil Plans
Landscape Plans
Architectural Plans
Color Elevations

If you are interested in learning more about the proposal, please make plans to join us Thursday evening when County Staff and representatives of the site developer will be on hand to speak and answer questions.

The owners of the former Blanca’s Restaurant at the corner of Columbia Pike and S Walter Reed Dr have recently applied for an outdoor café seating use permit in hopes of attracting a new restaurant tenant to the property. The application will be heard by the County Board at their regular December meeting. Details on the proposal are available here [PDF, 1.3 MiB].

Prepare to meet your doom!

3d Annual Trail of Terror

The 3d Annual Douglas Park Trail of Terror is coming up  Saturday evening 25 October 2014 from 7–8.30p.  Entrance adjacent to 1620 S Quincy St.  Please bring a canned goods donation to benefit AFAC.

Check out more on the event’s Facebook page!


An open house will be conducted by the Thomas Jefferson Working Group (TJWG) on Saturday 18 October at Thomas Jefferson Middle School, 125 S Old Glebe Rd.

Douglas Park residents will have two opportunities in October to weigh in and learn more about Arlington Public Schools (APS) plans for Randolph Elementary School.

As many of you are aware, the School Board is seeking to place additional elementary schools seats in South Arlington. Early this summer, the grounds of Thomas Jefferson Middle School (TJMS) was identified as APS’s preferred location to build a new South Arlington elementary school. The County Board has commissioned a working group to evaluate the site with a report due to the County Board in January 2015. The Douglas Park community is represented on that working group. In August, APS identified Barcroft and Randolph Elementary Schools as preferred candidates for expansion should the County Board reject siting a new school at TJMS.

On Mon 20 Oct at 7p at Gunston Middle School, 2700 S Lang St, APS staff will conduct a community-wide forum on South Arlington elementary school expansion options, including TJMS, Barcroft and Randolph.

On Thu 23 Oct at 7.30p in the cafeteria of Randolph Elementary School, 1306 S Quincy St, the Douglas Park Civic Association (DPCA) will conduct a special meeting to discuss the specific options for Randolph Elementary and their impact on Douglas Park. John Chadwick, APS Assistant Superintendent for Facilities and Operations will be among the APS staff in attendance.

All interested Douglas Park residents are encouraged to attend either or both fora.

Washington Gas has announced the next phase of its line replacement schedule. Work will be occurring in the following neighborhood locations this summer:

Columbia Pike at S Glebe Rd
Portions of Westmont Gardens
3700 block of 12th St S
13th St S at S Monroe St
14th St S at S Glebe Rd
1700 block of S Quincy St
S Quincy St at S Walter Reed Dr
S Randolph St at 16th St S
S Stafford St at 16th St S

Further details are in the attached PDF (10pp, 1,8 Mbyte).

The next meeting of the Douglas Park Civic Association will be held Tuesday 17 June 2014 at 7.30p in the downstairs meeting room of Firehouse 9, 19th Street South at South Walter Reed Drive.

On the agenda:

  1. An update on the 2014 Virginia General Assembly session. Forty-Ninth District Delegate Alfonso Lopez will be on hand to review the activities of 2014 session of the Virginia General Assembly.
  2. Bike Boulevards Update.  As has been discussed in several Civic Association meeting over the past few years, Arlington County is installing improvements along 9th, 11th, 12th and 13th Streets South to create ‘Bike Boulevards’ paralleling Columbia Pike.  Plans include changes to pedestrian crossings at South Glebe Road, South Walter Reed Drive, and South George Mason Drive.  The proposed improvements include
    • HAWK signal at South George Mason Drive and 13th Street South
    • HAWK signal at  South Walter Reed Drive and 9th Street South
    • Rapid flashing beacon and crosswalk at South Glebe Road and 9th Street South
    • Other intersection curb and crosswalk improvements.

    Christine Simpson of Arlington DOT will be on hand to review the latest plans.    Additional information is online at http://www.arlingtonva.us, search ‘Bike Boulevards.’
    The Executive Committee of the Civic Association voted on 22 May to oppose the portion of the Bike Boulevard between South Glebe Road and South Walter Reed Drive until the County develops a plan to address ongoing pedestrian, cyclist and motorist safety issues in the corridor.

  3. Proposed Traffic Changes near Randolph Elementary School.  Arlington County and Arlington Public Schools (APS) have been working to address perceived traffic circulation and safety issues around Randolph Elementary School.  Proposals include:
    • Two to three additional student loading and unloading spaces along South Quincy Street.
    • Updated school warning signage and ‘End School Zone’ signs along South Quincy Street.
    • School crosswalk signage at 13th Street South and 14th Street South.
    • ‘No U-Turn’ signage at South Quincy Street and 14th Street South.
    • Turn restrictions during arrival (8–8.30a) and dismissal (3–3.30p) at the intersection of South Quincy Street and 14th Street South.

    Stephanie Taylor of Arlington Transportation Engineering will be on hand to review the proposal and answer questions.

  4. Fourth of July Parade and Picnic.  Most of the details are nailed down, but we’ll spend a few minutes to review the plans to be sure that everything is ready to go.

All are welcome to attend.